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D-2, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar- 751007.

Particulars of organization, Functions & Duties


The Odisha State Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd, which is widely known as OMFED is the short form, is a “state level apex co-operative organization. OMFED was registered under the Odisha Co-operative Societies Act, 1962 on 28.01.1980. It bears the Registration No. 6 dtd. 28.01.1980. OMFED’s area of operation extends to the whole of the State of Odisha.

OMFED operates in three-tier system, i.e. Primary Society, Milk Unions (Central Society) and Federation at the apex level. OMFED is engaged in the process of production, processing, and marketing of milk, milk products and agri-products, etc.


  • To carry out activities for promoting production, procurement, processing and marketing of milk and milk products for economic development of the rural farming community.

  • Development and expansion of such other allied activities as may be conductive for the   promotion of the Dairy industry, improvement and protection of animals and economic betterment of those engaged in milk production.

  • Purchase and/or erect building, plant machinery and other ancillary object to carry out business.

  • Study problems of mutual interests related to milk procurement, marketing of dairy and allied   products.

  • Provide veterinary aid and artificial insemination services and to undertake animal husbandry  activities so as to improve animal health care, disease control facilities etc.

  • Advice, guide and assist the milk unions in all respects of management, supervision and audit  functions.

  • Advise the member of the Unions on price fixations, public relations and allied matters.

3. Activities :

  • Procurement of milk from the rural milk producers from their door step through the Dairy  Cooperatives at a remunerative price.

  • Chilling/ Processing of procured milk as well as production of milk & milk products (Cow Milk, Ghee, Sweetened Flavoured Milk, Sweet Curd, Table Butter, Plain Curd, Butter Milk, Paneer, Chhenapoda, Khira, Khua, Lassi, Milk Powder etc.) through the dairy infrastructures owned and managed by the federation as well as its affiliated unions. We have recently introduced Ice Cream in different size and flavor to our range of Milk products.

  • Sale of milk and milk products to the urban consumers at a affordable price.

  • OMFED is also marketing agriculture and Organic product i.e. Kandhamala Brand Turmeric Powder & Mustard Seed etc. produced by the tribes of Kandhamala district.

  • Support of Technical Input activities (animal healthcare, breeding etc.) Training & orientation programmes through its own Training & Demonstration Centre located at Jagannathpur-Khurda, Gosala-Sambalpur, Basudevpur-Balasore & Nadhana-Puri and supply of balanced nutrious Cattle Feed (produced by its own Cattle Feed Plant, having the capacity of 200M.T/Day) at a subsidised price to the milk producers. Omfed has started selling of Mineral Mixture in 2 Kg. Packet to remove Vitamin deficient diseases.

  • By-pass Protein Plant and a Mineral Mixture Plant will be established at Campus of Cattle Feed Plant.

  • Produces Fruit Juice, Tomato Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Pickles & Pineapple Sip etc. and sales them to consumers on a most competitive price.

  • Implementation of various developmental programmes sponsored by GOI, NDDB and others for the benefit of the society members like CMP,IDDP,RKVY etc.


OMFED is an autonomous apex Co-operative Society and the Management of OMFED vested with the Board of Directors. Government of Odisha is appointing Managing Director/CMD for OMFED who is formally elected by the Board of Directors as Chairman.


The Odisha State Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federatio􀅶 Ltd. D-2, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751007.

6. Working Hours:

Opening Hour: 10.00 A.M
Closing Hour : 5.30 P.M

Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals & Records for Discharging Functions

1. Certified Standing Orders.
2. Recruitment & Promotion Rules.
3. Conduct, Discipline & Appeal Rules.
4. T.A. Rules.
5. Leave Rules.

Directory of Officers & Employees

The detailed list of officers & employees with their designation are furnished at Annexure:

Particulars of Facilities Available to Citizens for obtaining information

1. Office 10.00 A.M to 5.30 P.M

Names, Designations & other Particulars of the Public Information Officers
[Section -4(1)(b)(xvi)]

Public Authority (PIOs):

Other Useful Information

Updated information will be provided time to time.

First Appellate Authority

1 Sri Nitya Darshan Mishra, Asst Manager (HR) Corporate Office 9437162219
Public Authority (PIOs) Name of the Unit Tel. No.
2 Sri Mritunjay Kumar , Plant Manager OMFED Dairy,Arilo 778380953
3 Sri Prasanna Kumar Bisoi , Plant Manager Sambalpur Dairy 7978096120
4 Sri Hemant Kumar Ojha,Plant Managerr Berhampur 9437677716
5 Shri BC Pradhan,Plant Manager Bhawanipatna Dairy 9330023415
6 Shri PriyabrataTaria, Plant Manager Dhenkanal Dairy 9937477687
7 Sri Ajit Kumar Xess, Plant Manager Jeypore Dairy 9437342152
8 Sri Nishith Moharana,Plant Manager Keonjhar Dairy 6372683032
9 Shri Arun Kumar Singh, Plant Manager
Plant Manager
Rourkela Dairy 8917495124
10 Shri PriyabrataTaria, Plant Manager Angul Dairy 9937477687
11 Sri Vivek Srivastava, Plant Manager
Plant Manager,
Balasore Dairy 8105074111
12 Sri Satya Prakash Dhar Plant Manager Salapada Dairy 7978647441
13 Mrs Harapriya Dash, I/C, OMTDC Jagannathpur 8847857074
14 Sri UmakantNath Sharma, Plant Manager Radhadamodarpur Cattle Feed Plant 6370296522
15 MrsHarapriya Dash, I/C Jagannathpur,Cattle Feed Plant 8847857074
APIOs Name of the Unit Tel. No.
1 Sri Saumyendra Bhaumik GM(DO Proj) 8895995237
2 Sri Suresh Chandra Altia DGM(Finance) 8895995237
3 Dr. Jaya Krushna Patnaik Dy. Gen. Manager (P&I &HR) 9437264901
4 DrBiswaranjanTripathy I/c (CSS&MM) 7684818686
5 DrAlokAgnibesh I/c (Marketing) 9439923689
6 Mrs Manaswini Pattanaik Asst Manager (IT), PR 9437404970
7 Sri JitendraBarada Asst Manager (IT) 7504502062
8 Sri Nitya Darshan Mishra Asst Manager (HR) Legal Division 9437162219
1 Minutes of 106th BoD Meeting in Odia language
2 Minutes of 106th BoD Meeting in English language
3 Annual property return of OMFED employees
4 T.A Rules of the Federation
5 Gradation List
6 Conduct, Discipline & Appeal Rules-1984
7 Recruitment & Promotion Rules-1984
8 Certified Standing Orders



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